November 1, 2019 Donations List
Since today is both Donations Friday and the first of the month, we are excited to announce that donation boxes are being shipped to 178 rescues today and thrilled to reveal our November Collar of the Month!
Check out the Monthly Collar Club and this month's collar here: https://www.maxandneo.com/products/max-and-neo-monthly-collar-club
Each donation box being sent today has 12 collars, 8 leashes, and 5 bonus items (toys, harnesses, treats, etc). If your rescue is not our list already, make sure to let us know by using our Rescue Suggestion Form! https://www.maxandneo.com/pages/suggest-a-rescue
As of today, there are 3,327 rescues on our donation list and these are the 178 rescues receiving a donation box this week:
6dogrees Rescue, WA
A New Beginning Animal Rescue, UT
A Rejoyceful Animal Rescue, MI
Achy Brachy Clefties Rescue, FL
AJ's Search & Rescue, OH
Alaska Shepherd Rescue, AK
Albert's Dog Lounge, WI
Alcovy Pet Rescue, Inc., GA
All For Love Animal Rescue, CA
All Humane Animal Rescue, NJ
Almost Home Animal Rescue of South Jersey, NJ
Alternative Humane Society, WA
Americas Freedom Paws Rescue, AZ
Animal Ark Rescue, GA
Animal Welfare and Adoption Agency, OK
ARF's German Shepherd Rescue, WI
Arkansas Chihuahua Rescue, AR
Ark-la-Tex Rescue, TX
Ashland Animal Rescue Fund (AARF), KY
Baja Dog Rescue, CA
Bakken Paws, ND
Bay Area German Shepherd Rescue, CA
Beverly Animal Shelter, NY
Black Phase Rescue Wolfdog Sanctuary, LA
BnB Rescue, ID
Boston Buddies, Inc., CA
Boxer Aid and Rescue Coalition, Inc, FL
Bullies and Buddies Rescue, CA
California Husky Rescue Network Inc., CA
Callaway County Humane Society, MO
Camp Chaos Puppy Rescue !, MO
Carolina Poodle Rescue, SC
Casa Dog, WA
Charlie's Foundation, WA
Chasing Miracles Animal Rescue, OK
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief and Rescue, MT
Chewy's Hope Dog Rescue, TX
Chihuahua Rescue Indiana, Inc., IN
Coalgate Animal Rescue Efforts, OK
Companion Pet Rescue & Transport, CT
Compassion Without Borders, CA
Cry for Help Rescue, IL
CSRA Forgotten Souls Rescue Inc, GA
Daisys Animal Rescue League, MA
Dancing Dog Rescue and Recovery Ranch, CO
Dane County Humane Society, WI
Denver Dachshunds Rescue and Transport, CO
Designer Dog Rescue, CA
Dirt Road Doggies Rescue, GA
Dog Days Search & Rescue, CA
Doggie Bonez Rescue, CA
Dogs for Better Lives, OR
Doxie By Proxy Rescue, Inc., NC
Dusty Puddles Dachshund Rescue, TX
Evelyn's Place Rescue, GA
Fayette Humane Society, OH
Florida Urgent Rescue Inc., FL
Follow Your Heart Animal Rescue, AZ
For Our Friends, NY
Forever Husky, IL
Forever Pets, Inc., FL
Forget-Me-Not, Inc., FL
Furever We Love Dog Rescue, IN
Furry Kids' Refuge, MO
Garnet's Min Pin Rescue, NC
Ghetto Rescue FFoundation, CA
Gone To The Dogs Rescue Inc., CA
Great Babies Rescue, Inc., IN
H.E.A.R.T Helping Every Animal Rescue & Transport, KY
Happy Life Animal Rescue, NY
Heathers Foster Dogs NFP, IL
Hollywoof to the Rescue, CA
Home Fur Good, AZ
Homeward bound pug rescue, OK
Homeward Bound Waggin, Inc., IL
House With a Heart, MD
Humane Society of Central Oregon, OR
Humane Society of Eastern Carolina, NC
Humane Society of Greater Dayton, OH
Humane Society of Southern Illinois, IL
Husky Pack Rescue, GA
ICARE Dog Rescue, CA
It's A Ruff Life Rescue, NJ
JCCARE (Japanese Chin Care and Rescue Effort), KS
Journey Home GSD Rescue, MO
K9 Kismet Dog Rescue, CA
K9 Lifeline Rescue, Inc., WI
Kathi's K9s, Inc, FL
Kindred Spirits Animal rescue, PA
Koby's Promise Inc, MI
LA on Cloud 9, CA
Labradors and Friends Dog Rescue Group, Inc!, CA
Leashes of Love Rescue, Inc., CA
Lil Rascals Dog Rescue, FL
Little Tails Rescue, Inc., FL
Long Island Bulldog Rescue, NY
Louisiana Baby Mommas Rescue, LA
Love Is Forever Rescue (L.I.F.E.), AZ
Lucky Dog Rescue @ The Ranch, CA
Magnificent Mutts and Meows Rescue, IL
Malinois Ranch Rescue, TN
Mercer Animal Rescue, MS
Midwest Dachshund Rescue, IN
Mutt Match L.A., Inc., CA
Mutts in Need, CA
Mutts of the Midway, IL
Mutty Paws Rescue Inc, FL
My Loveable Angels Rescue, IL
New Beginnings Shih Tzu Rescue Inc, WI
New England All Breed Rescue, MA
New Hope Pet Rescue, MI
Nike Animal Rescue Foundation, CA
No Kill Louisville, KY
No Stray Left Behind, CA
North Shore Animal League America, NY
OccuPaws Guide Dog Association, WI
Ollie's Angels Animal Rescue, NY
One by One Animal Rescue, AZ
One Step Closer Animal Rescue, Inc., NJ
Passion 4 Paws Southern Arizona, AZ
Pathways Home Animal Rescue, AZ
Paws 4 the Cause, KY
Paws for Life Utah, UT
Pawsibilities rescue group, FL
Pedro Pet Pals, CA
Pets and People, OK
Pit Crew Sacramento Rescue, CA
Pitstop Pit Bull Rescue Transport, FL
Pittsburgh Pet Relief, PA
PJ's Rescue, MN
Precious Paws Sanctuary, AL
Project Safe Pet RI, RI
Pug Rescue of New England, MA
Pug Squad Inc, NY
Purebred Rescue Organization of Ohio, OH
Recycled Pets Norcal, CA
Rescue City, NY
Resilient Dog Rescue, CA
Rocky Mountain Puppy Rescue, CO
Rogers' Rescues, NJ
Royal Animal Refuge, GA
Ruff Life Rescue, OR
Safe and Warm Animal Rescue Mission, MS
Safe Hands Animal Rescue, MN
Safehaven Small Breed Rescue, PA
Saginaw County Animal Care & Control, MI
SASS Shih Tzu Rescue, OH
Saving Paws Rescue AZ, AZ
Schnauzer Love Rescue, Inc., AL
Second Chance Pups, NE
Second City Canine Rescue, IL
Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue, VA
Short & Stumpy Pups Inc. dba Our Best Friends Rescue, NY
Somerset Cottage Poodle Rescue, VA
South of the Bully, SC
Southern Belle Chihuahua Rescue of Alabama, AL
Southern Indiana Animal Rescue, IN
Storm's Angels Animal Rescue, OH
T. B. Dog Rescue, IN
Teacher's Pet Rescue, PA
Tennessee Dachshund Rescue, TN
The Nest Rescue, IN
The Promised Land Dachshund Sanctuary, TX
The Shepherd of the Hills Humane Society, MO
The Woof Project, CA
Twenty Paws Rescue, NY
Underdog Animal Rescue, CA
Unwanted NYC Pets, NY
Valley of the Sun Dog Rescue, AZ
Valley of the Sun Giant Schnauzer Rescue, AZ
Wags and Whiskers Safe Haven, TN
Western Animal Resources, Inc, OK
Western Hills Humane Society, SD
Whiskers, Tails and Ferals, CA
Wythe-Bland Animal Welfare League, VA
Yaqui Animal Rescue, TX
Zani's Furry Friends, NY